Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a bunch of GREAT news...

*on friday, we took sarah to her routine 3 month follow up appointment at dr. byrd's (pediatric ophthalmologist). we went a few weeks early since sarah's glasses were broken and we wanted an up to date prescription when we ordered new ones. sarah's right eye is now 20/30!!! hallelujah! so, sarah now has 20/30 corrected vision in both eyes! we are SO SO SO excited! we are slowing backing off our patching time...we are now going to patch for 3 hours a day/7 days a week. dr. byrd says that we will continue decreasing patching time as long as we are still testing at 20/30. she said that sarah will have to patch until she's 10 (that sounds SO far off), but that at 10, our patching may consist of 1-2 hours/week! so, it sounds like we will be through with the heavy duty patching before sarah has to start elementary school! if she's just patching 1 hour/day by kindergarten, i won't make her wear her patch to school. that's one huge praise in and of itself. i really didn't want sarah to have to deal with the "baggage" that comes from being different in school. so, hip hip hooray! GREAT news at the eye doctor.

*and then we headed over to dr. mormon's to pick out new glasses. we pretty much let sarah choose. she picked a purple pair with flowers on the sides/ear pieces. now, when i say purple, don't freak out. they are as purple as the current pair are pink, and i'm pretty sure most of you didn't even realize the current pair were pink :) the glasses are from the barbie princess line, so OF COURSE, they are the ones she wanted!!! they look super cute on her. i will post pics once they come in. oh...the good news...she doesn't have to have the ear piece that curves all the way around her ear anymore! the glasses tech said that if sarah keeps her glasses on when she is supposed to, she is "mature" enough to have regular glasses now! sarah is very conscientious about her glasses and only takes them off when its rest time, bath time, or bed time. the tech said the glasses we picked should fit well enough that they won't fall off during normal 4 year old play. he did mention that we could get one of those head strap things to wear during dance/gymnastics if she has trouble keeping her glasses on there. so, that's great news too! the only part of sarah's current glasses that ever broke was the extended ear piece part. they just got so much wear and tear when sarah took her glasses off on her own. so hopefully, we will have even fewer problems now!!!

*sarah and drew are both adjusting well to little brother. they are getting used to him being around. of course they both still have their moments, and need a few extra hugs and kisses...but i don't mind doling those out! they are both very gentle and careful with jacob. so sweet!

*get this...jacob has slept at least 7 hours straight for the past 3 nights! crazy! the first night i thought it was a complete fluke when he slept from 11:30-8:00 without waking up. i remember sarah and drew having a random good night here and there in the early weeks. but, then he did it 2 more nights. we are getting so spoiled! now, i'm not naive enough to think we don't have more sleepless nights in our future, but i am enjoying it while i can! i'm fully expecting him to be up all night all next week since tim is going to be out of town :( but, silver lining, mimi is moving in with me for the week! so, all 4 of us will be getting spoiled by some mimi time!

just wanted to share all the great news that we have had lately! i'll keep the pictures coming though...i know that's what keeps you all coming back for more :)


hannah said...

what a great week full of good news! I wish my childhood glasses were as pretty as Sarah's- they were def not from the princess collection. I just love you with a big family of 5- thanks for sharing all the pics for us friends far far away :) Glad youre doing so well mommy!

Josh, Dianna, Grace, & Brady said...

kelly, I am so happy for all the news! Glad about sarah's vision, glad they like their brother, and glad jacob is sleeping. woo hoo! he is precious! I hope you're sleeping too!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I really enjoy seeing all the pics and hearing all your news. I hope Jacob continues to be a GREAT baby. You deserve it. I love you with all my heart. My only regret is that you could not find a big orange bow for Sarah's hair.

Love, Aunt Susan