Tuesday, August 22, 2006

a trip to the er...

well, we had our first visit to the emergency room last night!!! sarah and carter were playing, and sarah pulled a chair over on top of her that had carter in it! the chair is really heavy...so sarah had at least 30 lbs on top of her little body. and, of course, she had on her new glasses! the glasses faired pretty well...just need one of the nose pieces readjusted! anyway...i called the after hours clinic at our pediatrician's office, and they said if there was ANY chance sarah needed stitches to go to the er. since she's a girl, we thought a big scar on her face would just give her extra ammunition to hate us as a teenager, so we all loaded up and went to the hospital! nana and pop pop were already there because sarah's cousin nicholas had his tonsils removed yesterday morning! so, they came down to visit us in the er. and mimi came up, too! she kept drew in the waiting room while sarah was examined! sarah was great! she just told every nurse and doc, "bye bye" (like she had at the zoo) when she was ready for them to leave her alone! and they gave her a popsicle and stickers...so i think that she thought the whole experience was a smashing success! we made it home in less than 5 hours. not too shabby! these pics are from this morning. i was expecting it to look worse today than last night, but it actually looks better now that the swelling has gone down some! i think the whole fiasco was way harder on tim and me than sarah. just as it should be! so, we took it easy today for a little recovery time! and tonight sarah is at her weekly sleepover at nana and pop pop's house! yea!

1 comment:

hannah said...

ooohhhh poor Sarah, & poor Mom and Dad! Never a dull moment at your house, holy cow. New glasses and a black eye all in one week, she's a champ! and yeah for sleepovers!

hey what are you guys doing this coming weekend, or the weekend of September 9th?...I'm headed your way! Call you later-- :)