Saturday, February 2, 2008

new year's eve 2007

the evening began calmly enough...with the 4 kids eating at one table and the 5 adults eating at the other table... then we put all the kids down for the night, and the trouble began...
andy and kelly
tim and kelly
andy strikes a pose behind his brother-in-law (who knows why?!?)...
boys will be boys...
again, i think the evening went downhill at this point. andy wanted to watch some special on tv where this guy was going to jump his motorcycle the farthest ever to get in the guiness book of world records. i think all the guys starting thinking they were macho men at this time...

tim lifting dustin in the air...

dustin got it in his head that he could do a push-up with tim on his back...yeah, right...but we sure did laugh hard watching him try!!!

sweet mary decided to make her husband feel better by letting him do a push-up with HER on his back...
mary and tim...
why tim thought his shirt needed to be like that for a pic is beyond me...

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